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Holiday Market Performance

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Holiday Market Performance 2022

This past Sunday, November the 20th, Soromundi, Lesbian Chorus of Eugene, performed on Opening Weekend at the Holiday Market.  Once the chorus got warmed up, and the riser team completed the stage set up, the chorus opened with “One Day”.  

Normally there is a lot going on as the stage is in the food court area.  People talking, some waiting for their food, some walking around the exhibits, an occasion shout out from the food vendors, and you name it!  

Then a surprising thing happened!  Everyone stopped.  They stood or sat still and quiet.  How amazing.  It was standing room only throughout the entire performance.  The performance ended with a singalong to Winter Wonderland and Frosty the Snowman.

Many audience members as well as vendors commented on how they loved Soromundi’s performance.  Comments like “I was unexpectedly moved”, “During Prayer to the Children I teared up and then wanted to get up and dance to Living My Best Life”.  

Great start to Soromundi’s 2022-23 season!