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Notes from the Director

As expected, the start of the 2020 season is as strange and difficult as I imagined…and that’s saying a lot given our 35 year herstory!

Black Lives Matter

Diversity Committee Sets Goals for 2020-21

Soromundi’s Board of Directors recently formed a Diversity Committee whose charge is to increase knowledge and implementation of Social Justice, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) goals.

Community Sing Keeps Oregon Choirs Connected

Once a month this summer, choristers from around Oregon gathered via Zoom for a “Community Sing,” a virtual guided practice session of protest and social justice songs. Directors brought songs, in simple arrangement and in the public domain or donated by the arranger, so the music could be shared and used in any situation.

Board Announces Plans for Season

Soromundi will have a 2020-21 season, but it will look very different than usual, board president Kate Barry has announced. While members will learn new music, fall will consist largely remote and online activities.